Charlotte, NC Cosmetic Dentistry

Keep Calm And Smile On

Trust the caring team at Luminous Dental.

You can keep your teeth looking good and healthy with proper oral hygiene. However, your teeth could undergo several adverse effects due to injury, disease, age, or just general lifestyle choices, and that’s where cosmetic dentistry comes in to keep your smile bright. Dr. Carli Warden and the team at Luminous Dental know that a beautiful smile is vital for a warm appearance. 

Cosmetic Dentist in Charlotte NC

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

While general dentistry is mainly concerned with addressing the health of your teeth, gums, and mouth, cosmetic dentistry aims to increase the quality of your smile’s overall appearance. Cosmetic dental procedures are intended to improve the brightness, shape, and spacing of your teeth to give you more confidence in your smile. At Luminous Dental, we offer a variety of procedures to address all types of esthetic issues.

Cosmetic Dental Treatments at Luminous Dental

Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening is one of the most common procedures to enhance your smile. At our Charlotte, NC, dental office, we use the KöR Whitening system, which can substantially improve the whiteness of your smile. KöR Whitening uses a combination of in-office whitening procedures and maintenance at home with custom whitening trays.

Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made porcelain shells bonded to teeth to enhance their appearance and protect them from damage. They are typically used to cover your front teeth but can include your back teeth depending on which ones are most visible when you smile. These veneers are durable, easy to clean, and closely resemble the appearance of your natural teeth.

Composite Veneers

Direct composite veneers are a quick, easy way to dramatically alter the appearance of your teeth. Instead of taking impressions or scans and sending them off to have your veneers fabricated by a lab, the composite resin is applied/bonded and shaped directly onto your tooth. This in turn will improve the shape and/or shade of your teeth. Composite, or chairside veneers, are a faster and more cost-effective way to change the appearance of your teeth compared to porcelain veneers. Because of the type of material composite is made up of, they will however need to be replaced or repaired more frequently.


For a long time, metal or ceramic braces were the best non-surgical option for straightening crooked teeth. However, Invisalign presents a more subtle alternative in a series of transparent trays that fit over your teeth. These trays move your teeth into a more natural, desirable, and functional position without a mouth full of metal.

Smile Makeover

A smile makeover combines two or more cosmetic dental services to transform your smile completely. Procedures commonly combined are Invisalign and teeth whitening, along with porcelain veneers and crowns. 

Gingival Recontouring 

Many people have an excess of gum tissue when they smile, creating a “gummy” smile. Gum recontouring, or a gum lift, is a cosmetic dental procedure that addresses this issue by using our Waterlase laser to remove the gum tissue, elongating the look of your teeth. 

Esthetic Crown Lengthening

Sometimes a gummy smile may not just be from excess gum tissue, but can also involve bone that covers too much of the tooth structure, causing your teeth to look small. Similar to the gingival recontouring procedure, our laser removes not only the excess gum tissue but removes the surrounding bone as well. This in turn will correct the length of your teeth. Healing time for this cosmetic dental procedure is around two days, does not involve a specialist visit to complete, and any discomfort experienced can be alleviated with Ibuprofen.    

Gum Bleaching

Gum bleaching, or gum depigmentation, is a quick and painless procedure used to remove naturally-occurring brown or black patches on your gums. This cosmetic treatment is done using our dental laser and is minimally invasive and requires no downtime. 

What Conditions Can A Cosmetic Dentist Treat?

Many oral health problems could prompt a visit to a cosmetic dentist. You should consider cosmetic dentistry if you have:

  • Discolored teeth
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Excess or discolored gum tissue

Cosmetic Dentistry Cost

The cost of cosmetic dentistry varies depending on the procedure and on each individual. We strive to make our patients happy and to address all of their cosmetic concerns. Each patient and treatment plan is unique and requires a complete exam and set of records in order to formulate the most ideal plan options. For our patients interested in cosmetic work, Luminous Dental offers a payment plan with interest-free financing through CareCredit.

Receive The Smile You’ve Always Wanted At Luminous Dental

Giving you a smile you are proud to show off is our priority at Luminous Dental. We also offer personalized care intended to address our patients’ every need and alleviate any of their concerns about visiting the dentist.

If you’re looking to give your smile a makeover, schedule an appointment with us for a consultation today.