Explore Invisalign® Options in Charlotte, NC

Keep Calm And Smile On

Trust the caring team at Luminous Dental.

Everyone should have a smile they’re proud to show off to the world. Unfortunately, most people aren’t born with perfectly even teeth. If you’ve always wanted a beautifully straight smile but aren’t interested in sporting a mouthful of metal brackets and wires, Luminous Dental can help. We proudly offer Invisalign clear aligners to help you quickly, comfortably, and conveniently achieve the smile you’ve dreamt of. Before scheduling your consultation with Dr. Carli, you should know how Invisalign could improve your crooked, uneven, or imperfect smile.

Invisalign Clear Aligners in Charlotte, NC

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that is made up of BPA-free plastic trays. These trays are custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly, and they can easily be removed to eat, drink, and clean your teeth, but they won’t ever slide or fall out. Invisalign works by slowly moving your crooked teeth to the desired position and correcting bite over time.

When is Someone a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

While Invisalign is a safe, effective way to enhance the appearance of your smile, it may not be a good option for everyone. The best candidate for Invisalign would:

  • Be interested in improving the appearance of their smile
  • Practice good oral hygiene habits, including brushing and flossing every day
  • Not have any dental problems, such as tooth decay or gum disease
  • Be responsible enough and compliant to wear their Invisalign trays as directed

How Does Invisalign Change the Appearance of Someone’s Smile?

If Dr. Carli determines that you’re a good candidate for Invisalign, here’s what you can expect during your treatment process at Luminous Dental:

  •  Intraoral scans will be taken of your mouth and sent to the Invisalign lab to create your customized aligner trays.
  • You will receive the initial set of aligners in about 4-6 weeks and new sets of aligner trays to be changed every1-2 weeks; these should be worn at least 22 hours a day and only be removed to eat, drink (anything but water), or clean your teeth.
  • You will visit for routine check-ups every 4-6weeks to ensure your teeth are moving as intended and receive your next trays.
  • Once your treatment is complete, we will order your retainers and you can enjoy your beautifully straight smile.

The length of your Invisalign treatment time will depend on the condition of your teeth and how closely you follow Dr. Carli’s instructions. Most people can expect to wear their teeth aligners for around 12-18 months. However, most mild cases will be less than one year.

What’s the Difference Between Invisalign and Braces?

While both Invisalign and traditional metal braces are effective options to improve crooked smiles, there are differences between the two that are important to consider before beginning your orthodontic journey. Traditional braces are made up of metal brackets and wires that adhere to your teeth’ surface. They cannot be removed until your treatment is complete and are typically worn for around two years. Metal braces are a great option to address complicated orthodontic concerns, but they have some disadvantages. Along with being noticeable, it’s essential to avoid certain foods when wearing braces, including anything chewy, sticky, or hard, to prevent damaging your brackets and wires. 

Alternatively, clear aligners are virtually invisible, meaning no one will know you’re wearing them. They can also be removed to eat, meaning you can eat normally. They also tend to work faster than metal braces. Invisalign may not be an option for complex orthodontic concerns or individuals who aren’t willing to be compliant to wear them as directed.

Book Your Invisalign Consultation in Charlotte with Luminous Dental

If you’re tired of hiding your crooked, gapped, or uneven smile from the world, Dr. Carli and the trusted team at Luminous Dental can help. Contact us today to schedule your consultation to learn more about how Invisalign clear aligners could benefit you. We can’t wait to give you a reason to smile!