Dental Laser Gum Depigmentation in Charlotte

Keep Calm And Smile On

Trust the caring team at Luminous Dental.

Everyone should have a smile that they’re happy to share with others. The health and beauty of your teeth certainly play a part in that, but they’re not the only factor that can impact how your smile looks. The appearance of your gums is equally as important. If you’re unhappy with how your gums look, a cosmetic dental treatment called laser gum bleaching can help. Here’s what you need to know before scheduling your consultation with Dr. Carli and her trusted team at Luminous Dental in Charlotte.

Laser Gum Depigmentation in Charlotte, NC

What Can Cause Discolored Gums?

Dark gums are usually perfectly healthy. However, many people choose to have gum depigmentation treatment in order to achieve uniformly pink gums. In most cases, discolored gums are caused by melanin located at the surface of the gum tissue. Along with genetics, other factors can sometimes contribute to gum discoloration, including taking certain medications, smoking, and certain illnesses.

What is Gum Bleaching/Depigmentation?

Gum bleaching, also known as depigmentation or gum lightening, is a dental procedure performed by a cosmetic dentist to remove spots on a person’s gums that appear brown, black, or darker than the individual would like. Our Waterlase iPlus Dental Laser allows the procedure to be completed quickly and comfortably. While gum discoloration can affect all people, it’s more common in individuals with darker skin.

During a gum bleaching treatment, here’s what you can expect to take place:

  • Dr. Carli will apply local anesthesia to your gum tissue to make sure you don’t feel anything
  • Then, she’ll use the  laser to carefully remove the top layer of gum tissue, giving it a visibly even appearance 
  • Depending on the color and depth of the discolored patches, more than one session may be required


Is Laser Gum Depigmentation Painful?

You will not feel any pain during your gum depigmentation treatment thanks to the local anesthesia that will be applied first. There can be sensitivity in the hours following the procedure, which can be resolved with over-the-counter medications and usually resolves quickly on its own.

What is the Down Time After Laser Gum Bleaching?

After your laser gum bleaching is complete, you’re free to eat, drink, and brush your teeth as usual. It’s important to note that it can take as long as two weeks for the full results to become visible. After that time, Dr. Carli will determine if another session is required to achieve optimal results.

What is the Down Time After Laser Gum Bleaching?

After your laser gum bleaching is complete, you’re free to eat, drink, and brush your teeth as usual. It’s important to note that it can take as long as two weeks for the full results to become visible. After that time, Dr. Carli will determine if another session is required to achieve optimal results.

Who is a Candidate for Laser Gum Bleaching Treatments?

A good candidate for laser gum bleaching treatments is a person with healthy teeth, strong gums, and good oral health habits but unhappy with the appearance of their dark or discolored gums. If you have an oral health concern, such as gum disease, Dr. Carli may recommend that you have the problem resolved before undergoing a laser gum bleaching treatment.

Luminous Dental: The Best Choice for Laser Gum Bleaching

You don’t have to hide your smile from the world any longer. If you’re unhappy with your dark or discolored gums, Dr. Carli and the friendly team at Luminous Dental in Charlotte are here to help you achieve the pink, even gum tissue you’ve always wanted. With a laser gum bleaching treatment, you can enhance the beauty of your gums in as little as one convenient, pain-free dental appointment. To learn more about how a laser gum bleaching treatment could improve your quality of life, contact us today to schedule your consultation.

We look forward to showing you how easy boosting your confidence and gaining the smile you want can be!