Porcelain Veneers in Charlotte, NC

Keep Calm And Smile On

Trust the caring team at Luminous Dental.

Everyone deserves to have a smile they’re proud to call their own. Unfortunately, few people are born with perfectly straight, white, and even teeth. If you’d love to enhance the shape, size, or color of your teeth, porcelain veneers could be a great option for you. At Luminous Dental, our friendly team is eager to show you how simple achieving the smile of your dreams can be. Before scheduling your consultation with Dr. Carli in Charlotte, here’s what you should know about how porcelain veneers could benefit you.

Dental Veneers in Charlotte, NC

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin porcelain coverings that are bonded and cemented to the front of your tooth’s surface. They’re custom-made to improve imperfect tooth shape, size, and color while complementing their surrounding teeth for a natural-looking result. Most people need between eight and ten veneers placed per arch to achieve a beautifully symmetrical, even, and natural smile. 


When Does Someone Need Dental Veneers?

If you think that you have to undergo extensive dental work to gain a noticeably radiant smile, think again. Porcelain veneers are a quick, convenient way to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. A good candidate for porcelain veneers would be someone who is unhappy with the appearance of their front teeth but who otherwise has good oral hygiene habits.

If Dr. Carli determines that porcelain veneers are a good option for your oral health needs, here’s what you can expect:

  • After your initial consultation, Dr. Carli will take impressions and intraoral scans of your teeth to send to a dental lab where your veneers will be made.
  • The lab will fabricate a waxup of the proposed final product so the patient can determine if the size and shape are what he or she wants. When the waxup is complete from the lab, the patient will return to the office for the preparation of the teeth. The waxup is used to make the temporary veneers for the patient to wear for about two weeks to determine if any changes need to be made before the permanent veneers are fabricated. 
  • If no changes need to be made, the permanent veneers can be made, and you will return to our dental office to have them fitted and cemented. 
  • Dr. Carli will ensure they are the ideal shape, size, and color to complement your natural teeth. You will also have a final say as to whether you are 100% happy with the final product before moving forward.
  • Then, she will clean your teeth and gently roughen each tooth’s surface before the veneers are placed.
  • Next, using a special bond and cement, she will adhere the veneers to your teeth one at a time, using a special LED light which hardens the cement quickly.
  • Finally, she will make any necessary adjustments to ensure your smile looks as natural and beautiful as possible.

What Do Porcelain Veneers Treat?

Dental veneers are a great cosmetic dental option to resolve various concerns. These include teeth that are:

  • Chipped
  • Spaced apart
  • Broken
  • Discolored
  • Uneven
  • Misshapen

Trust The Professionals With Your Oral Health


The good people of Charlotte, NC, know that one of the secrets to oral health is keeping your teeth and gums clean. Doing so requires brushing, flossing, and seeing a dentist and dental hygienist regularly. That’s why Dr. Carli Warden and the team at Luminous Dental are here to share their expertise and offer care of the highest quality. In addition, they dedicate themselves to education to ensure that they are well-versed in the most advanced techniques and technologies, while making every patient feel welcome and comfortable in their office.

Please get in touch with us today if you would like to schedule an appointment for a dental cleaning.